The basics, when repeated consistently, define your trajectory. There are basics for living a good life and for living the bad. Here, we like to focus on the positive.
1. Prayer. Every day. On time. 5 times a day. The benefits of this deserve its own post.
2. Getting adequate, meaningful sleep. This means 8 hours/night on average. Sleeping in the night time. Sleeping in darkness. Allowing your mind to process whatever it already has versus continuously processing new information. This means you shouldn’t be on your phone or watching TV while trying to fall asleep. That’s like pressing the breaks and the accelerator at the same time. This is stupid. I’m a fan of waking up without an alarm clock. Give your body the rest it needs so you can tackle the next day with as much energy as possible. Also, waking up after a goods nights sleep is like power washing your brain. Cleans out the gutters so your stream of thoughts an flow without interruption and go to their optimal path.
3. Water. Water. Water. The WD-40 of the human body.
4. Move it or loose it. If you don’t move your body, your body is going to stop you from moving.
5. If you wouldn’t feed it to your child, you shouldn’t be eating it. The closer food source is to the ground, the better it is. Can’t go wrong with vegetables and fruit. And the best meat is halal meat.